Just the Nine of Us

Just the Nine of Us

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


There is something irresistible to me about Alaska. I've never been there, but I want to go there more than I can describe. About a year ago, Brian's company won a contract that they thought would send one of their employees to Alaska for a whole year. When Brian first asked if I would be willing to move our family there for a year, I was hesitant to say the least. Alaska?? I'd never lived anywhere that got more than about a quarter inch of snow in the winter for one or two days. In fact, I'd never lived anywhere but North Alabama. So I started researching Alaska and reading a book called "Looking for Alaska" by Peter Jenkins. Jenkins and his family moved there for a year because he was a travel writer and wanted to really get an un-touristy feel for Alaska and it's people. He fell in love with Alaska. His book made me fall in love with it too. Well, the contract fell through, and now Brian has his own company that has no contract in Alaska. But I've still got a burning desire to go there. It could be that summer in Alabama with its humidity and mosquitoes has more than lost its appeal to me. It could be that the realization that I've never lived anywhere but North Alabama depressed me. It could be the excitement and lure of adventure. But I'm pushing for it. I've at least got Brian committed to taking me on an Alaskan cruise for either our 4th or 5th anniversary. He just doesn't realize that the cruise ship is going to drop us off and leave us there. hee hee

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