Just the Nine of Us

Just the Nine of Us

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thinking About Mary

I hope you will take the time to listen to Michelle Duggar's tribute to the daughter she recently lost, Jubilee Shalom, on the link to the right. I thank God for the inspiration she and her family are to me. I've read both their books and can tell you, they are the real deal. I appreciate their faith and trust in God.

As a mother myself, I've been thinking a lot lately about Jesus's mother Mary. I've heard that song "Mary Did You Know" for at least ten years, but the words this year just have such new meaning to me, having birthed my own son. Our Sunday school teacher's wife, Gay, brought up such an interesting point in Sunday school last week that's been on my mind. Since Satan so hated Jesus, and did NOT want Him to be born, were the forces of evil at work against her during His birth? Because of that, was it a particularly difficult birth? Do you think she felt the pull of evil against her child as he was emerging from the birth canal? Or did she feel that she had the help of the angels? Was it at that moment, when Joseph first saw Jesus, that he realized He truly was the Son of God? Did they sense God's presence immediately or did they just have to trust that it really was Him? What would it have been like to literally kiss the face of God?? For the Son of God to nurse at your breast? When the wise men brought myrrh, which was a typical burial gift, did that sadden Mary? Surely if she knew the old testament prophecies, she knew He was going to die? Did her heart ache at the thought of it everyday? Oh I cannot imagine. I know we may never know these things this side of heaven, but the thoughts intrigue me. I know how much a mother loves a son now. I can only imagine that at the same moment she was the most blessed mother in the world, she was also the most cursed, knowing her Son would die an awful death on a cross. I wonder if she hugged and kissed him everyday, enjoying the moments she did  have and anticipating his fate? I wonder what set her apart, to receive the kind of favor with God that made her worthy to carry JESUS??? She must have been amazing! I wonder if she realized the weight of it all.

These thoughts have been running through my head this week as I enjoy my own precious son. Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy would one day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your Baby Boy has come to make you new? This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you? Absolutely amazing. . .

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