Just the Nine of Us

Just the Nine of Us

Saturday, September 10, 2011


This picture was taken in a different season in my life. A season where I was visiting the tanning bed and the gym every day and buying my clothes at Abercombie and Fitch. This picture was taken in the airport on the way to a resort in the Dominican Republic with my best friend Cathryn. The picture below that is not fabricated; that really was the beach we were standing on, and those were real birds. They pooped on our heads.

Now my ten year old wears the same "Love Nature" shirt. Here we are together with her in it. Check me out these days- no makeup, no haircut in about two years, and spit up on my shirt. This shirt was a yard sale deal, not an Abercombie and Fitch. Different seasons for sure. :)


  1. I can absolutely relate about it being a completely different season. I was the same way, name brand clothes to thrift store bargains, it is definately different, but like you I wouldn't trade it to go back.

  2. I can totally relate! I was thinking the same thing the other day: as I filed my nails for the first time in weeks, I remembered that I used to get my nails manicured every week and bought all my clothes at fancy stores in D.C. - I used to work out and go tanning too. Things sure have changed!
