Just the Nine of Us

Just the Nine of Us

Thursday, May 19, 2011

33 Days: Vision

Brian and I began thinking/planning/dreaming/praying about having a Rodgers Family Mission Statement way back in the early days of our marriage. We like the idea of having a few very definite goals for our family, our marriage, our home. God has laid on our hearts individually and as a couple that we're not supposed to just be surviving. I don't guess anyone really wants to just get through each day, repeating the same meaningless process every 24 hours without any real direction. God has led us to some really great Scriptures, mentors, books, inspiring quotes, etc that have helped. And I've been asking God for a distinct vision. A vision I can see in my mind's eye and almost touch, taste, smell. The Bible states that "Without a vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18) and that when He pours out His Spirit on His people, He will grant visions and dreams and prophecies (Acts 2:17). I'm praying for our family to be given great visions from God that will show us how He wants us to spend our hours, our days, our lives. I know for sure that we aren't to spend our lives on wood, hay, and stubble (1 Corinthians 3:12-15), but on that which will last. I know we're not to be conformed to the image of this world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). I'm looking forward to discovering what that looks like for the Rodgers family. I have a feeling that we will always look a little different than the average family. Actually I have a hope that we will. I think it will mean digging deep into relationships with godly Christian friends and with lost people in our community. I think it will mean meeting practical needs of those around us. I think it will mean opening our home more often and showing hospitality. I think it will mean turning off the TV and doing meaningful activities instead. I think it will mean not having the newest car, the nicest home in the upscale neighborhood, or the designer clothes. I think it will mean making God's Word absolutely essential and foremost in our home. Maybe I'm catching a little of the vision already. :)

I read recently that when a purpose is established for doing something, the way to do it becomes clear. The main thing is figuring out what is our purpose as the Rodgers family. As God is revealing that to me day by day, decisions are more easily made about homeschool curriculum, schedule, priorities, parenting. The directions become clearer as the goal is in sight.

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