Gulp. That stings a little. It flies in the face of so many parenting books you see on the shelves today about loving your kids meaning giving them whatever they want and not being too hard on them. It certainly convicts me. That's all I will say about that right now. :) Okay well a couple of Proverbs from the Message I have reminded myself and my children since reading these stories: "The fear of God expands your life; a wicked life is a puny life." -Proverbs 10:27 "The mouth of a good person is a deep, life-giving well." -Proverbs 10:11. The second one is for me, to remind me to give LIFE with the words I speak to my children, words that will help them and give them life in the long run instead of just empty words of flattery that will make them happy today.
I like the Message for my daily Proverb reading. When I read it, I keep the New King James side by side with it because it's not a literal translation and sometimes Eugene Peterson gets it all wrong. But sometimes, he absolutely hits the nail on the head and says it perfectly. Especially in the Proverbs. I love Proverbs 12:4, "A hearty wife invigorates her husband, but a frigid wife is cancer in the bones." Hearty and invigorating are words that paint such a great word picture for me to aspire to. I will often start the day declaring that today I will be a hearty wife. I will invigorate my husband. I will not be frigid towards him in any way. The King James version of that verse says, "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband; but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones." I will be a crown to my husband today, bringing glory and honor to him in all that I do. How about all of this wisdom from Proverbs 15. . . "Kind words heal and help; cutting words wound and maim" (vs 4). . . "A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day" (vs 13). . . "Hot tempers start fights; a calm, cool spirit keeps the peace" (vs 18). Pretty good relationship wisdom.
The garden is coming along. It is so fun to go out each morning and see what's growing! So many spiritual principles I am reminded of each day. Like how weeds grow without any effort, but the good vegetables I want to grow take a lot of cultivation and weeding and work. My heart is the same way. If I just don't make any effort, what grows in my heart is a bunch of weeds- anger, pride, resentment, bitterness, hurt, negativity, sin. I have to work really hard each day to weed those things out. And I have to put a lot of fertilizer on the things I do want to grow- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control, to name a few. :) If I want something positive to grow, I have to continually cultivate and maintain it.
Bethany is growing so fast!!! She is gaining weight and I am making tons of milk and God is good. :) I have been putting a lot of effort into it, but I know that God is the one who is blessing it. His design is so good. :) I've almost taken all the placenta pills, but each day for now I take 4 placenta capsules, a probiotic, and the prescribed dosage of More Milk Plus. I've also been doing lots of oatmeal and water and eating healthy fats like coconut oil and avocado. Brian bought me a new juicer (yay!) that I have been using every day. I found a recipe for Green Lemonade that I tweaked a little to find the perfect blend of nutrients: 3 stalks of celery, 2 handfuls of kale, 1 lemon, 1 lime, 1 apple, 2 TBSP liquid chlorophyll, and 4 tsp Stevia. It is DIVINE. And SO GOOD FOR YOU. I enjoy it after working in the garden. :) Allie even researched each ingredient and wrote a two-page paper on the health benefits of this wonderful drink! I will write about it in a different post. Anyway I drink 2 cups of Green Lemonade each day in addition to 60 ounces of water. And some coffee. :) Can't do without the coffee. :)
The mama goats are being weaned from their babies, and we are getting significantly more milk. The hens are going to be laying soon. Right now Brave is the only egg-laying hen in the pack of about 20 chickens. We have 50 more baby chicks (including some roosters!) coming at the end of May. We've been watching tadpoles grow, putting real dandelions in our salads, and generally enjoying the farm. It's such a learning experience for us all.
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