I caught myself allowing fear and anxiety over things I can't control to take over my thoughts and attitudes last night. Actually, my husband caught me and called me out on it. :) Last night in particular it was worry over one of those thorns in the flesh things, one of those very real enemies who likely will be there for years to come, ready to shoot arrows at all my weakest points. I would love to talk more in detail about it, but it's very private. God and a few close friends know all about it. The One who hears my cries most often about it is Yahweh, Creator of the Universe, the King of Glory Who holds all things in His hand. So yeah, I really shouldn't worry about it. :) This morning's reading in the Psalms just "happened" to be in Psalm 64, where David cries, "Preserve my life from fear of the enemy. . . Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked. . . they bend their bows to shoot arrows. . . they say to themselves, 'We have perfected a shrewd scheme'. . . BUT MY GOD SHALL SHOOT AT THEM WITH AN ARROW." Next I moved over to Proverbs 21, where "There is no wisdom or understanding or counsel against the Lord" (verse 30) and "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance is from the LORD" (verse 31) and I was reminded that my victory over these attacks will come from the hand of the Lord, who is on the throne and who is in control. He will perfect it. Meanwhile I can laugh at the days to come, without fear of the future, as it says in Proverbs 31, knowing that the testing of my faith produces patience, which will make me perfect and complete, lacking nothing (James 1). Amen.

And then this morning I was telling my friend that I was just trying to make it to 37 weeks (tomorrow) before I would feel good about Bethany being fully ready to arrive. She mentioned, "Yeah, it's so hard not to be anxious in those last few weeks" and I realized that I was doing it again! Being anxious! Immediately I was reminded of the command in Scripture from Philippians 4:6- "Be anxious for nothing!!" NOTHING!! Not the enemies, not the upcoming birth, NOTHING!! It's a command! And here I was disobeying it. So back to the Scripture I went. . .
And this became my prayer: "Father deliver me from the lies and the arrows of doubt shot at me from enemies round about. Shelter me in Your wings and remind me of Your love, Your power, Your great hand upon my life. Amen."
It can be your prayer today too if you need it. :)
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