I just had to brag on God today and tell you all how good He is. He truly is Jehovah-Jireh, Our Provider.
Brian has been having really terrible headaches/toothaches for two weeks. They seemed to get progressively worse, especially at night. Brian has a really high pain tolerance but he was truly in pain. I could tell by the look on his face and the way he walked around. He was just not himself. We thought it was probably that his wisdom teeth needed to come out, but at the moment we don't have dental insurance. He was trying to "push through it" until open enrollment in October but at one point I was ready just to take him to the emergency room and ask them to pull his teeth. Well, two days ago we got a random, unexpected check in the mail for $1100. Brian got in with a dentist yesterday, who concluded that he had an abscessed tooth and needed a root canal immediately. He had the root canal yesterday. It cost $940. We could not have paid that bill except for the "random" check. As my friend Linda pointed out, it was like God knew what we would need before we did and took care of it. :) He is so good.
Also, as any self-employed person knows, the first few years of a business can be trying. When Brian started AMP last summer, we had like $10,000 in savings. That was it. We borrowed no money. But from day one he had to pay himself and one other employee, plus buy supplies for jobs. Anyone would have thought we were doomed for failure. But God has not left us wanting for anything. He has been SO good to us this year. We have had "fat" months and "lean" months, but even in the lean months He has provided for all our needs. Brian was expecting August to be a really tight month. In fact, a week ago he told me that if God didn't come through, AMP would not be able to pay its bills on time. Plenty of money was due to him, just not until late in the month. I have to tell you that he had TWO companies pay early out of the blue yesterday. That is virtually unheard of in the business world!! You must understand what a miracle this was. God is so good to us. "The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want." -Psalm 23.
I don't say all this so to sound like we are poor or destitute. We certainly are not. I say this to let anyone know who might be reading, that God is our Provider. We are completely dependent on Him. He's the One who brings business in to AMP and pays all our bills. He's the One who guides me in my homeschooling. There is NO WAY I could do it without Him! He gives us everything we need.
"Jehovah-Jireh, Our Provider, His grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me!" -Hymn of Praise
Thanks Girl! I needed to hear this today!