Just the Nine of Us

Just the Nine of Us

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Liberty and Justice For All

I've had liberty and justice, and what the Bible says about it, on my mind lately. I know God is all for freedom. He states in His Word that He came to set the captives free and rescue us from bondage. He was passionate about delivering the Israelites from bondage in the Old Testament and He is passionate about setting you and me free from bondage in the New Testament. His Truth makes us free. The Gospel makes us free.

Which is why Satan loves bondage and slavery and injustice in every sort imaginable.  From literal slavery, which I believe He calls us as Christians to stand against and fight, to the slavery in our minds that keeps us from walking in the Spirit. As Christian women it is hard not to find ourselves bound to another's "rules" about the choices we should be making. Satan loves for us to look for rule books so we can feel like we're living a "good Christian life", pat ourselves on the back and miss out on a life-changing walk with the living God. The scary thing about walking in the Spirit is that the way God calls you to flesh things out may look slightly different than the way God calls me to flesh things out. So we may be frowned upon by those who would like to put rules on us that don't fit what God is leading us to. But Paul tells us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. I believe a good paraphrase of Galatians is "Love God and do what you want." If you are truly loving God, loving His Word, loving the things of God, you can't go wrong. There's a lot of space in there for our individual bents and personalities. Psalms says that He fashions our hearts individually. I love that don't you? :)

Anyway, speaking of the literal slavery, it's one of the things I'm educating myself on at the moment. I'm praying about how God wants me to get involved in His command to "Seek justice; rebuke the oppressor." (Isaiah 1:16).

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this and LOVE that you are educating yourself! I hate how so many people turn the freedom that God wants us to have, as His children and as American's, into every kind of freedom but the kind He wants for us! (freedom for same sex marriage, freedom to take Christ out of schools and society all together, freedom for every religion but Christianity) It's so sad that American has fallen so far from what it was suppose to be.
