Just the Nine of Us

Just the Nine of Us

Saturday, November 7, 2009


The girls and I were listening to a lullaby CD this morning when the song "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" came on. Every time I hear that song, my mind drifts off into this beautiful wedding ceremony I'd like to have with Brian.

I don't regret at ALL the way that Brian and I got married. We were SO in love, and in SUCH a hurry to finally be married and together, and we really didn't want to take the time or money or effort to plan a big ceremony. Plus, with it being my second wedding, I really didn't think a big ceremony was appropriate. So we had a very nice little ceremony at a wedding chapel in Hartselle, just the two of us and Allie. It was wonderful. And at the end of the night, what mattered was that we were married. I am SO glad we didn't wait and I got to become Mrs. Brian Rodgers on August 18, 2006. I really couldn't wait another day to be his wife.

Now that we've been together for 3 1/2 years and had 2 1/2 more children together (our third is due in March!), our love has just deepened and grown and become something so special that I want to share with all of our friends and family. I imagine something still small, nothing extravagant. Probably outdoors. There is a beautiful little outdoor chapel on Green Mountain. I imagine Brian standing there with the preacher, Allie and Maggie walking in front as little "flower girls", me holding the newest little girl in my arms and Penelope in my hand, and presenting ourselves before God again as a family committed to each other and to Him. We've talked about making a Family Mission Statement. I think it would be neat to present our Family Mission Statement before our parents and close friends and just having a little dedication ceremony. With, of course, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" playing in the background. :)

Don't know if it's that particular song, the romantic in me coming out because I'm missing my man, or the excitement over the girls taking a nap and giving me time to think, but I'm loving this idea. :)

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