Just the Nine of Us

Just the Nine of Us

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Countdown to Rosemary

Less than 60 days til Rosemary's due date and it's getting more real every day! I always get antsy about this time and ready for the Big Day to come. I'm making to-do lists and filling up my calendar with fun things happening between now and then so I can remind myself that it's "just around the corner" and not to get impatient. I do stupid things, like, I bought shampoo the other day and wondered, "will this be the shampoo I'm using when I go into labor with Rosemary?" or "how many more times will I wash sheets between now and when Rosemary arrives?" I wonder if anyone else does that. Probably only extremely impatient people like me. :) I also find myself wanting to get Rosemary-scented this and Rosemary-scented that. With Maggie and Penelope, I made myself a "countdown" soundtrack of my favorite songs at the time and listened to it in anticipation. I need to make a Rosemary Countdown Soundtrack I guess. :)

Next weekend we're hosting our Life Group Care Group social. The month of January will be busy just trying to get a good start on second semester so we can get as much covered before March as possible. Valentine's Day is Penelope's birthday and her party will be the weekend before that. We will be busy with that, busy with doing Valentines-ish things with the girls, etc. And to prepare for Labor Day, I need to wash cloth diapers and newborn clothes, get the bassinet in our room, find and wash all parts of the breast pump, make sure we have everything we need on hand, get the baby car seat cleaned up and ready, pack the hospital bag, etc. That's what I do when I get impatient- I make lists and mark things off. It helps me deal. :) It probably works in my favor because it's the only time I'm actually organized.

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